Exploring learnings from MNSI safety investigations: Think beyond sepsis
Exploring learnings from MNSI safety investigations: Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
Exploring learnings from MNSI safety investigations: First trimester deaths in England from venous thromboembolism associated with hyperemesis
Exploring learnings from MNSI safety investigations: Deaths in England in the first trimester of pregnancy: national patterns and safety recommendations
Exploring learnings from MNSI safety investigations: Maternal death from pulmonary embolism
Introducing COMPASS: A new safety tool to help understand the impact of culture on patient safety
COMPASS (Culture of Organisations and its iMpact on PatientS’ Safety) is a tool developed by MNSI to provide a standardised process for our staff to articulate, analyse, and feedback observations abo…
MNSI has investigated a number of patient safety events where an incomplete set of observations generated an early warning score (EWS) via an electronic patient record (EPR) system.