This blog post was published when our programme was part of the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB). Find out about HSIB legacy.

This is observed by more than 50 nations and coordinated by the ICM in partnership with its member organisations. Midwives in the UK are led by the Royal College of Midwives in their celebrations and this year the day has a theme of ‘Together again: from evidence to reality’.

Many midwives contribute to the work of our maternity investigation programme. We would like to acknowledge the importance of their role in supporting the safe, personalised care of birthing women and people, and their families. How many times did you ‘Call the Midwife’ today?

Midwives in clinical and leadership roles work with our team to:

  • share their experiences
  • inform learning
  • implement change
  • support the safety agenda in their organisations.

Thank you to all the midwives who work for and with us alongside our wider team to support the investigations we undertake. The richness of this work is only possible with the involvement of families who share their personal experiences with us. This collective approach enables us together to ensure the evidence we gather informs the changes needed to support safer care.

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